Saturday, 21 January 2012

cheerleading, january blues & my world is upside down

I would like to be the first to admit how difficult it is to be committed to blogging. I tell myself that there are tonnes of things i want to blog about, and it's all swimming around in my head somewhere. Then, suddenly a week has passed, and i haven't put a single thought down and i have a bunch of pictures that seem outdated.

Hong Kong seems so long ago, though it's been hardly a week. And all it took was one message to turn my world upside down.

If i could, i would very much like to share it all here, every single word, every single passing moment and every single emotion or tear drop that has happened since i heard. Completely shrouded in pain, my heart continues to break and shatter everyday.

I shall not then go into depth or go into emo psycho mode, but i will keep it, and grow from it.

Some updates that interest me and i hope interests you. My family bought a new coffee machine. Amidst raging feedback from the brothers on how it SHOULD have been a Nespresso machine, it is an ILLY. My arguement is that ILLY has proven to be more than decent coffee, so this machine's got to be good. I personally haven't tried it but my dad seems to express much content.

Our new ILLY coffee machine

Hungover Sundays: Maelyn Jewel Pendant Leaf Necklace  

I pray for strength and maturity, for wisdow and forgiveness. I need to get through this period.
Till the next time...

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