Monday, 23 July 2012

The many million things I want to blog about....

So in the middle of the night, when all the world is asleep, I feel a sudden urge to write.
About love and broken hearts, about nights at Zouk, about true friends, our Singapore education system and why we need to do a major overhaul and how much i hate money.

I also want to write about Mambo Jambo & how our entertainment industry has evolved over the 7 years that I stepped foot into it. The close links with social behavior, how women are viewed and where music is today, just in my own personal opinion.

And why I am so attached to my car or why I should be. So it's all swimming in my head, all these million ga-zillion thoughts. And hundreds of pictures to share.

I will make the time to do so. Promise to self. x

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