Thursday, 9 February 2012

February really?

Amidst all the insanity & intensity of what has happened, i remind myself of the beauty of what has been planned out for me. I indulge only a second in the self pity & the tragic nature of how it has become, but i take it on full force.

It should be Fuck me February really. But, through it i would like to claim that i still live my life & love it.

Did an impromptu Saturday hang out with Steven. Nice. Toys R Us, Forty Hands and 2am later, here are some captured shots of the day...

A small kid in his playland
Steven Chew = Angry Bird
We went to have Marche, it's been ages since i did Marche & it was nice to have the Rosti again.. Anyhows, Toys R Us is always a highlight for me. Some things i realise we never seem to grow out of. Just look at Steven and you can't help but agree with me.

Thank goodness he didn't decide to layout all the pigs and start forming an obstacle course for the Angry Birds to attack. And i mean seriously we were just trying to get a small gift for Kai'er... and he thinks she's a boy. Swords and transformers and what not.

Hello Kitty always does it for girls. TRUST ME. i know it for a fact and it works wonders.

And to add on, Toys R Us now has a Sanrio section. Finally they are getting it right!

So finally after much consideration, we got Kai'er a CROCODILE that snaps it's teeth shut when you press the wrong tooth. (this sounds absolutely ridiculous and i didn't take a picture) and Steven insisted to get the Angry Birds pig. Everything was green. -_-

Saturday evening was nice though, we went to Forty Hands (it's located in the up and coming Tiong Bahru area) and i love the mocha! The chocolate tart was yums dums!! so good!

Forty Hands Mocha

The amazing colour swap on my Canon G12. Sickening Steven.
Poster effect of the G12

The last 2 pictures we were trying out the "nostalgic" effect on my Canon. I think the G12 has got to be one of my best investments ever. I love it to bits!

Anyway after that, we hopped over to Books Actually, and Steven did a dominoes effect to their collection of Pez. Embarrassing.

February... just the beginning...

Till the next time.

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