Monday, 23 September 2013

The Party Invaders

This post is dedicated to a bunch of the most dynamic & diverse, extremely special and uniquely awesome people who have changed my life since we crossed paths 6 months ago. It has been a hell of an insane, crazy yet life-changing 6 months for me. Thus, this post comes in timely.

It was also a time for me to reflect on how this all came about, how each individual contributed to what we are together, now today. I have always believed that people cross paths for a reason. Some stay a little longer to hang out, some just to say hi and scoot off and some to stay forever. But no matter what, each of us are here to inspire each other, to care for each other and to ultimately play a part in each others' lives, so that we become better people, we survive a little stronger and love a little more.
Hence, my deepest and most sincere thoughts to The Party Invaders.

Dearest TPI,

If I could, I would write each of you letters. For each of you share private and very precious moments with me. Our experiences intertwined have led us to today. So when you read this, remember our moments that make up the memories.

I cannot be more grateful for each of you. That from the beginning, it was for me that all 30 odd of you traveled to Bangkok to celebrate my turning 30. I have pondered this often over the course of the months since we've met and questioned why but instead now, I am simply happy because it is truly my blessing. For this, I thank you.

The efforts for all of us to stay in the same hotel, each meal we had together, the details for everything including having a cake specially made for me. Honestly, I doubt even super stars get this kind of treatment. Ok maybe they do, but they pay for it, for us, it's about rock solid genuine friendships. Special shout out to Cheryl here <3

To my 2 brothers who are also part of us, I must have done something right being the eldest sister. And honestly it wouldn't be the same without you guys. I've also come to realize that our friendships with each other since some of us only knew each other after meeting in March grew stronger over the months, our parties being the basis of it all.

But gradually, from party nights, it became suppers, sunday lunches, KTVs and birthdays. We all made it to everyone's birthdays. We were there at Zouk no matter what. And for my TGIW nights, every week without fail, TPI, though not in full force, were there to show support, to have a good time and to just be around. I never take such nights for granted, or the dedication as friends that each of you have shown. And I am deeply appreciative.

Some of the things we love the most and I have the fondest memories of- Curry Peng, Sake Jelly, Tequila shots, our videos... the list will keep growing. If you really think about it, we each have our favourite TPI moments. Hence, our youtube channel.

It is also true that no one parties like we do, no other group of friends. We are crazy, we are really the true party people. To the oldies, we started Tuesday sake nights and Thursday chill drinks, Sunday and Monday thai discos. Guys, we have seriously set the bar high. hahaha. Now when I think back on the intensity of it all, I am amazed at how we have pulled through with not having our livers failing.


Then something very strange happened. I realized that we became friends that could rely on each other. Remember the time when the kids started having exams, my house became a tuition house. That was the moment it hit me. The Party Invaders are legit. We aren't just superficial friends that drink, get fucked and the next day live our own lives. We are actually part of each others' lives.

Think about it. We have seen each other at our worst and our best. Just look at Dawn. How many times mabok. Joe- how many times cannot stand. Daryl, Joey, all toh before in Lounge on the sofa. Min- carried out from Zouk KL. Kalyn. Karl. Sophia. Vick scratching the dog. Judith. Karei. Tammy. Gwen. Sophia. Amanda (never really toh). Eric (does the work it dance). Trey, Chui, Ju-Anne & Eugene (never toh before) hahahahahah the list just goes on and on. YET, we always take care of each other and make sure that our group chat is us checking on each other.

What binds us together is more than just the endless party nights or the countless events we go for or the hundreds of pictures we take together, it is more than all these things. It's generosity and kindness. With Terry opening up his house to us, and I guess Joe getting us into Fenix when we need help, though I very much rather not write this here. It's also been about embracing differences. We all come from very different backgrounds, each with our own stories, pains and pasts, yet when we come together, it is varying levels of energies and experiences all mashed together and this is what makes us stand apart from other people.

We have been through an ice party, our very own Party Invaders Face-Off, Avicii, a KL trip and one more Bangkok trip together. And the many events we have gone together. And for me, being able to share each experience with all of you has been my honor. It's funny how things end up the way they are, but I'm glad that I have been able to give back to each of you in some way or another. I am thankful that the kids come to me for advice on life, school, love, etc. At least I know that I have am doing right by you guys. Thank you for the respect and the trust. You know who you are.

Sorry this is really lengthy. But it has been 6 months of love, drunkard nights and indulgence that I'm trying to squeeze into one post. We must also do another TPI Face Off really soon, since most of you guys weren't around the last time. Let it be more of a celebration of our friendships since most of you won't last if we really did a drinking face-off. HAHA.

So thank you for the memories. For being a constant reminder to me that we can party hard, and live life like to the fullest, that being 30 has only been a blessing with each of you around. That The Party Invaders is really about friendship, love and generosity. And that we never forget what we are about, no matter how drunk we get, no matter how far we drift from each other.

We will always be a groupchat away. Always looking out for each other.

Love mak mak. xoxo

This is what The Party Invaders is about. Good times and good friends. No special formula, just honesty, a lot of love, some tequila shots, occasional nice lunches and big hearts drizzled with Tuesday sake sessions and TGIW mayhem nights.

In life, that's all that we really need. Good food. Good drinks. Good friends.

Till the next time,