Monday, 17 December 2012

Cross roads & ZoukOut 2012

It's 1 week to Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year, or at least it used to be. And because of how terribly conservative I am, though I know it doesn't appear so at all, such holidays, special occasions and birthdays, I always have to have my family have dinner together.

Since my mum started the restaurant- Table at 7 (, we haven't really kept to this ideal dinner situation in my point of view. I remember how i always tried to set the tradition, 1 present each to open when the clock struck midnight on the eve and the next morning, drag the brothers out of bed to the Christmas tree to devour the presents.

The 3 of us
This year we have no tree at home. I'm rather upset but I know that it's also because of how our lifestyles have changed. Ok mine hasn't. I'm still in the same job for 7 years and doing the late night/wee hours of the morning.

ANYWAY, I blog too long winded-ly. But i also realize that I've changed. I used to be more sticky, stubborn and uptight about pretty much everything. Everything has to be done in the way i deemed it to be perfect, everything in an ideal situation of mine. I guess people change over time. I don't see it as a good or bad thing. Change is always the only constant.

I'm taking a long break in January. And i was pretty excited about going to Korea to do my eyes, but I'm starting to get serious jitters. Pre plastic jitters. HAHA. Ok judge me all you want but I could be undergoing mid-life crisis of sorts, so i want to do this. Life is mundane enough, time to shake it up before i get the government's letter on my official change of ID and passport pictures next year. So hopefully all turns out good.

And i wasn't going to hide it. But this is how I look now.

Me at ZoukOut 2012

Which brings me on to talk about ZoukOut for a bit. I had wanted to do a dedicated entry on what it means to me, but despite having it all in my head, when it came down to it, i couldn't blog about it. But since I chose to post a picture at ZoukOut, here's some tiny tiny thoughts i have.

It was my 7th ZoukOut this year. People always ask me what I actually do for the festival. Simply put- i seek partners and sponsors willing to part with cash and to build pre-event campaigns in line with the festival that would add value to ZoukOut as a whole. I shall not go into the depths of how I do it, what I do or anything of that sort.

Each year for me, there would be a certain kind of magic from ZoukOut that I would take with me. I remember dancing till dawn to Dennis Ferrer with the then love of my life and Pipi's sunrise set from many ZoukOuts back, which remains to be one of the best memories for me. There have been many moments, tucked away in the vault of my memory bank. But for me, each year it is also a very gentle reminder of how fucking amazing the Zouk family is. Seriously, which event on such a large scale is planned, strategized and executed completely in-house? It's about the people behind the scenes, people like Simon, Rexx, Jeremy, Benny, Joyce, Yasee, etc. This is the true magic of ZoukOut. The people that make it happen. And when i thought about it once more this year, i am honestly humbled to be working alongside these few amazing souls.

ZoukOut 2012
The sheer scale of the event still overwhelms me. And this year, i took a moment away alone when Knife Party came on. I needed to soak it in. And I did, in all its entirety and rawness. I reflected back on my years at Zouk, my first ZoukOut and I am grateful.

ZoukOut 2012 Crowd

As with all things in life, nothing lasts forever. Another ZoukOut gone, a passing memory. So let's not dwell too much on what was but let's look towards what will be.

7 days to Christmas. 14 days to 2013.
For the heart seeks what the heart knows best, to love and to love more.
Till the next time. x